Here are 10 new fiction writing prompts for the week.

Each day use one or more prompts to write a new short story, a poem, or even a novel.

fiction writing prompts

1. It was only the middle of January but Tracy was already tired of the snow and longed for the warm days of summer.

2. Jill considered a shot of whiskey, but it was only 8:00 a.m. so…

3. Janice had never considered divorce. Murder, yes, but divorce, no.

4. Roger was a bitter, bitter man.

5. “Relax,” said Arnie. “I made a mistake. So what? It’s not brain surgery. I didn’t harm anyone…not really.”

6. “Mom said we can’t get a dog,” Taylor told his younger brother, Ryan. “But she didn’t say anything about a snake.”

7. When Helen saw the men drag the huge alligator from the lake outside her home, it gave her an idea.”

8. Rachel usually turned to food when she was sad, scared, disappointed, or lonely. But not anymore.

9. When Jan told her friends she was having a professional makeover, no one expected this.

10. It started innocently enough when Cindy’s son, Parker, asked her how to make a grilled cheese sandwich.

Need more prompts?

Here are More Fiction Writing Prompts.

Science Fiction Prompts.

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