As a writing coach, I get lots of questions about publishing (and writing) from writers, so I was excited to read this new book from W. Terry Whalin called 10 Publishing Myths: Insights Every Author Needs to Succeed.

And I wasn’t disappointed.

It answers most of the questions I get from writers (thank you, Terry!) as well as many of my own questions about publishing models.

10 publishing myths

I really like the way the book is organized, too.

The Table of Contents is handy for locating the answer to a specific question.

For example, when writers ask me, “Should I self-publish my book?” the answer is found in Chapter 8, which gives information (and resources) about different publishing models—important stuff for any writer to know before he decides if self-publishing is the best option for his book.

Each chapter of the book ends with an action step for writers to take once they understand that much of what they’ve probably thought they knew about publishing was merely a myth.

This book is a must read for all writers, whether they decide to self-publish or have their work traditionally published.

It’s a handy resource I’ll be turning to often.

Suzanne Lieurance
Author/Freelance Writer/Writing Coach

Learn more about the book at

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 | 10 Publishing Myths - Book Review

 | 10 Publishing Myths - Book Review

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  1. I really liked this book, too. It may be the first book that any person considering publishing should read. Love your quotation feature, too!

    1.  | 10 Publishing Myths - Book Review nomdepomme says:


      And all writers need to read The Frugal Promoter, too! They can listen to my interview with you about the book here.

      Thanks for dropping by

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