T’is the season to be jolly.

But for countless writers around the world, the holidays represent more than fun times and good food; they symbolize a stressful period that requires discipline, time management and a juggling act that would rival Barnum and Bailey, to fit everything in.

With this in mind, here are a few timely blogging hacks that will help you to stay peaceful, positive and productive in times ahead.

blogging hacks

1. Keep a positive perspective.

Truth is, the holidays can really test us.

And your blogging experience will be no different.

Sometimes you’ll feel inspired and encouraged, and other times, well…let’s just say you might feel lethargic, overwhelmed and frustrated.

Don’t let it detour you.

Instead, remember what appealed to you in the beginning.

And stick to it like Velcro.

2. Try something different.

That’s right; what “relationship” isn’t enhanced by a little variety? Hello?

For instance, if your posts are always short, make them long.

If your tone is always serious, try a playful approach.

If you typically do book reviews, try how-to’s.

If you post on Fridays, sneak in a Monday post.

Never become boringly predictable.

Change your “look” every once in a while.

3. Take a break.

There’s great truth to the expression, “absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

Spend time away regrouping and renewing your spirit. Sing carols. Cook. Play games. Attend a church service. Enjoy loved ones. Shop. Get lost in a good book.

Time apart can lead to a greater level of interest and esteem from readers and fans.

Try it, you might like it!

Just make sure to give notice and give it a time limit.

4. Recognize that there’s something to be said for a job well done.

Even if nobody’s saying it.

Take satisfaction in your commitment to your craft, and your contributions to the blogosphere.

Remember to celebrate “you” right along with everything else!

5. Keep a journal.

Chronicle personal thoughts, funny family experiences, recipes and clever ideas for future interesting blog ideas.

6. Create an Editorial Calendar.

It’s the equivalent of scheduling a regular “date night.”


For the uninitiated, an Editorial Calendar is simply a way to manage content by planning and scheduling blog posts based around topics, months and themes; many of the magazines you read use them.

Instead of “winging it,” it provides a more organized, functional, systematic approach to blogging.

(Not to mention, it combats procrastination).

This results in a blog that is regularly updated, faithfully followed, and favorably recognized by Google’s search engines.

If you’re a blogger that struggles with time management issues and writers’ block, (beyond the holidays), this is the perfect solution to approaching your blog more strategically.

Follow these six savvy tips for greater progress and increased holiday cheer!

How will you maintain your “mojo” this year?

Click for more blogging tips.

About Jennifer Brown Banks
jennifer-brown-banksJennifer Brown Banks is a veteran freelance writer, author, ghost writer and an award-winning blogger. Learn more about her E-book series and her Blog at Pen and Prosper.

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