In his best-selling book The 4-Hour Workweek, author Tim Ferriss says that usually 80% of the results we get come from only 20% of the actions we take.

With that in mind, take some time today to reflect on this regarding your writing business.

You’ll probably discover that Ferriss is correct.


You’re probably spending a lot of time doing many things, yet only about 20% of the things you’re doing result in any real progress toward your major goals.

If you flip those numbers around, this means that about 80% of the actions you take aren’t really effectively moving you toward your goals.

They’re just keeping you very, very busy so you FEEL like you’re working hard to reach your goals.

But the trick is to actually work LESS, yet get more results.

Ferriss suggests that most people invent activities to fill their time and make them FEEL productive, yet these activities also keep them from taking more important actions (the ones that are uncomfortable to take because there is a chance of failure or rejection).

Try answerering these questions:

1. What are the top-three activities that you use to fill time to FEEL as though you’ve been productive?

2. If you could accomplish just ONE thing today, yet you would be satisifed with your day, what would that one thing be?

Now, write the following question on a sticky-note and put it on your computer, where you can look at it at least 3 times a day:

Am I inventing things to do to avoid the important?

Use your answers to each of these questions to keep yourself on track today.

Get out of the habit of thinking you MUST fill every single minute of the day with activity if you’re going to reach your goals.

Instead, ONLY do what is really important.

Try it!

And, earn more writing! Learn how to become a six-figure freelance writer!

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