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Do you want your name as author on a children’s picture book (PB), chapter book, or middle grade (MG) book — without having to write it yourself?

Maybe, you started a children’s fiction book, but found it’s just too difficult to finish, or realize that it needs major tweaking and editing.

Maybe you have an idea, but don’t know where to go from there.

Or, it might be you’re a business person with a profitable idea for a children’s product or other product that will begin with or include children’s books.

And, lets not forget nonfiction books for children.

It could be you want to enlighten or teach a child about history, science, biology, oceanography, geography, astronomy, being a doctor, being a police officer, being in the military, or something else.

Whichever category you fall under, it’s important to know that to write for children takes work, as with any writing genre, you need to learn the craft of writing.

But, with writing for children there are rules and tricks unique to the genre.

And, there are genres within genres.

Often teachers, or parents, or grandparents, who are around children a lot, develop the desire to write for children – be the author of a children’s book.

They might see how a child lights up when reading an engaging story.

Or, they may want to spark the child’s imagination and bring him or her on an amazing journey.

And that’s where award-winning children’s author Karen Cioffi and her ghost writing team come in.

Learn more about what it’s like to work with a ghost writing team to create just the book you’ve been dreaming of for so long!

Karen Cioffi children's ghostwriter

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