Comment Marketing – How a Simple Blog Comment Cultivated Business from a Wall Street Executive

what is comment marketing

In distress, a reader sent out an “S.O.S.”

After numerous failed attempts to make a successful go of his professional blog, he was frustrated and frazzled.

Despite having strong writing skills and obvious expertise, there was little to show for his sweat equity over the past two years.

By his own account, he was having difficulty in attracting the traffic and subscribers he sought.

He was in a “blog fog.”

Stumped, he decided to pose a question on a marketing topic that I addressed on my Blog.

I answered it.

At the end of our “exchange”, as a courtesy, I invited him to send me a personal email with any follow-up questions.

And he did.

Appreciative of my help, he actually pitched ME to do business.

In one of those “Ripley’s-believe-it-or-not” moments, he wrote: “Do you consult for a fee? I’m a willing potential customer…and your time is valuable, so I’m willing to pay.”

After I pinched myself, I sent over a quick quote and an invoice for a sizeable sum.

It was paid almost immediately.

No questions. No haggling back and forth like yard sale adversaries. No requests for references or a writer’s resume. No pitching. No jumping through hoops.

It was the start of a beautiful professional partnership.

But, our hook-up was not all that typical; in fact, the method and means is one that is often overlooked by today‘s blogger.

The secret to my wooing him?

Comment marketing.

That’s right.

You see this “dream client” materialized as a result of a simple, thoughtful comment I placed previously at another blogger’s site.

Impressed and intrigued, he followed my link and the rest is history.

The moral of the story here?

Many times writers spend countless hours engaging in social media trying to make connections to expand their network and their bottom line.

The problem?

So are thousands of other writers of equal or greater talent. Hello?

If you’re looking for a different strategy—one that takes little time, less frenzy, and no related expense, Comment Marketing is the key.


According to Social Media Explorer Webzine, “Consistently posting thoughtful, valuable blog comments will cause other industry professionals to take notice, leading to additional business opportunities and links from their sites to yours.”

It further recommends that bloggers, as a general rule, aim for just five or six quality sites to post comments.

Any more could come across as spamming.

Now that you know how it helped me to land my ideal client, here’s why it can benefit you too.

Anyone can do it.

It basically requires a little creativity and thoughtfulness.

Leave a comment that shows that you think outside the box, and that you have a real grasp of the subject being “discussed.”

Or that you have the courage and conviction to speak out on a controversial issue.

Or tickle their funny bone.

Be original. Be brief, but substantive.

Even if your efforts don’t result in a new client, it will minimally put your site’s link in front of new audiences; which could lead to more followers, fans and potential customers for your books or products.

Comment Marketing can cause others to perceive you as an expert on certain topics, based upon the knowledge and exposure that your comment demonstrates.

Here are some Do’s and Don’ts to increase the odds for success:

• Remember that timing is important.

Try to “speak out” early on.

In other words, if you’re the 59th commenter on a site, chances are your words of wisdom will be buried and ultimately looked over.

• Take special care to make sure that your words are spelled correctly, and that your grammar is on point; if not, you’ll defeat the purpose.

• Aim for sites with high traffic and active communities.

• If possible, have an attractive Gravatar image that accompanies the link. It provides visual variety and creates connections.

When it comes to Comment Marketing, “Talk is not cheap.”

A few words can have a valuable impact on your online image, your blog, and greatly enhancing your marketing efforts.

Remember, “nothing ventured nothing gained.”

About Jennifer Brown Banks
jennifer-brown-banksJennifer Brown Banks is a veteran freelance writer, creative strategist, award-winning blogger and columnist. Her publishing credits include: Pro Blogger, Daily Blog Tips, Write to Done, Men With Pens, Writing-World, Tiny Buddha, and other top-tier sites. She holds a bachelors degree in Business Management.
Banks teaches writers and businesses how to “work smarter, not harder” and increase their bottom line at her “Top 25 Writing Blog” – Pen and Prosper.

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get clients with comment marketing

comment marketing to get new clients

get new clients with blog comments

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  1. Interesting reading, Jennifer.
    In analogy, what i could make out from the blog post ..
    (I am not being creative, as i am not )
    while in class…
    Always sit in the front.
    Always be the first to wish your teacher ..
    Always be the first to raise your hand to answer (if you know the things..)
    Always be the first to raise your hand to question (if you do not know the things..)
    Always be the first to say thanks to your teacher for making you understand the things..
    Always be the first to give credits to your teacher for all your good grades !!
    Rest is always Best..
    Thanks for bearing..

  2. Hi, Ladies,
    Thanks so much for your feedback. I truly appreciate your time and feedback.
    You can find other useful tips and creative strategies at my award-winning site, “Pen and Prosper” blog. I really hope you’ll consider visiting and becoming a follower.
    Have a great Easter.
    Thanks, Suzanne, for sharing this.

  3. Jennifer, thank you for a very thought-provoking article. Your personal example adds validity to the importance of comment marketing. I particularly appreciated the reminder to make the comments meaningful and brief.

  4. Great article. I am a firm believer in the value of commenting on other sites, and I love the CommentLuv plug-in because it really does encourage people to leave comments on your site as their latest post is listed as a live link following their comment. Coincidentally, I searched my own name last night and it was fascinating to see all the different sites I’ve commented on over the past couple of years. It really does help expand one’s network, and I’m hopeful that when my next book comes out, I’ll have a ready network to help me spread the word.

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