Use these writing prompts to create a new short story.


1. Finally settled into her new apartment, Tricia was enjoying a deep sleep when she was awakened in the middle of the night by someone banging on her front door.

2. Patrice concluded that everyone she knew wanted to give her advice on her love life. She was getting a weary of all the dime-store psychology.

3. “Feminism doesn’t have a membership ceremony, and no one takes roll call,” Eve said while putting her hands on Mary’s arms, forcing Mary to stop and face her. “There’s no official doctrine or set of rules either—no secret handshake or secret ring. Feminism is a state of mind—a way of thinking and being. And Mary, there’s no doubt in my mind that you are a feminist!”

4. Sophie peeked out her back door after waking to the sound of cats making a racket outside her house.

5. Robin could not help but stare into the eyes of the stranger across the room at the reception.

6. “Let’s take it one step at a time,” Dr. McFarland said. “I don’t want to jump to any conclusions until we get the test results back. And, Terri, I don’t want you jumping to conclusions either.”

7. A stabbing pain hit Jan suddenly while she was participating in a phone conference in the small conference room. She had no choice but to excuse herself from the meeting and hurried back to her office down the hall.

8. Sally looked down at the open notebook in front of her when class ended. In place of her usual class notes, she found lines and pages of doodles and drawings. She realized that she was so distracted during class that she had not listened to anything said during class.

9. Upon arriving home from school, Susan found her mother at the kitchen table, her eyes closed, hands folded, and silent.

10. That night, Wendy came home after her breakup with Sam and found her roommate, Kim, still awake.
“I am officially giving up on this whole quest to find my soulmate, my one true love.” Wendy said, wiping tears from her eyes. “There is no such thing. Never was, and never will be.”

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