Daily Journal

Personal daily journal writing is one of the world’s favorite ways to understand itself.

People who keep up a regular journaling habit become more self-aware.

It’s a natural by-product of connecting the mind, the eye, and the hand in one unified activity, which is what happens when a person journals.

This article, though, takes us beyond the realm of earthly or mundane understanding, into the land of intuition.

daily journal

Intuition is aligned with the spirit, the un-worldly, the impossible connections that appear to guide us.

Intuition tells us what reason and intelligence won’t.

It’s really hard to get at intuition: what it is, exactly; how it works; how it is best understood and applied.

Intuition is the opposite of our usual hard-nosed materialism.

It gets little respect or attention because we can’t capture it, or bottle it, or keep it under our thumb.

However, those who do tune in to inspirations undeniably seem especially alive and, well, inspirational.

Having the advantage of being in synch with the Universe through intuition affords a certain solace and companionship, not to mention confidence.

Like any of our skills, intuition can be improved.

An individual can strengthen their personal capacity for clairvoyance.

Try daily journal writing as an excellent conduit to intuitive acumen.

Again, journaling unifies the mind, the senses, and the hand.

The combined action of these faculties takes us outside of ourselves, so that we can open to spirit.

What does it take to force an individual finally to the point of surrender, so the self can be left behind?

We can be sure it takes an effort beyond our own imagining.

We can’t design our own enlightenment.

We have to practice hard so that enlightenment can take us by surprise when it’s ready.

Therefore, a journaling practice is nothing more or less than:

• Engaging in a writing activity that unifies mind, senses, and hand; and

• Doing this activity with faithful regularity.

This is all that’s required.

And in fact, it’s all our humanity – our brains and bodies – are capable of contributing.

But the most amazing part is that intuitive spirit will enter when the daily journal writing practice has sufficiently prepared the journaler.

Daily journal writing does not need to follow any particular format or design in order to build personal intuition.

The practice is sufficient in itself, whether a person writes about love affairs, their children, their work, or anything else.

It’s the habitual diving down into personal account and honesty and expression that is done for no other reason than understanding … this is what lures the intuitive spirit.

Intuition is finally coaxed closer to us when we prove with our practices that we truly long for engagement with it.

Once your intuition is welcomed, warmed up, and by your side, it becomes an everyday tool, useful in every corner of life.

Intuition becomes a constant companion, a consultant always at the ready.

About Mari L. McCarthy
Mari-McCarthyMari L. McCarthy is The Journaling Therapy Specialist, founder of Create Write Now, the Personal Growth Journaling Place. Mari offers counseling and encouragement to journal writers through her many online journaling resources, as well as private consultations. Mari’s teachings and workbooks center around journaling for self-discovery, self-growth, and self-healing. 12 Days of Morning Pages is her latest ebook / emailed course, providing a gentle entrance to a life-changing practice.

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