by Suzanne Lieurance

day 21 daily writing prompt challenge

Here’s today’s text prompt and photo for Day 21 of our Daily Writing Prompt Challenge.

Please note that this is the final day of this challenge.

Be sure to read all the rules for this month’s Daily Writing Prompt Challenge, here, if you want to win the prize for the challenge.

Daily Writing Prompt Challenge – Day 20

writing prompt

“Look! It’s one of the queen’s dogs!” he shouted.


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  1. Jeb and I were riding a new trail this morning in the UK. How we got separated from our group I don’t know, but we had to admit, we were lost. Even my horse, when I gave him his head, didn’t seem sure. We kept trotting along, then slowed to a walk. None of this was familiar. We kept going, looking for the others. My phone had no signal. I heard a train whistle and carefully approached the crossing. We were so lost! As we continued on the path, a Dorgi dog darted out onto the track, multiple riders right behind. Someone yelled, “That’s Vulcan, the Queen’s dog. Vulcan stood on the tracks as the train was bearing down. I jumped off my horse and ran towards him, yelling, “Vulcan, the Queen is calling you!” The dog looked at me, then came running to me.

  2. “Look! It’s one of the queen’s dogs!” he shouted.
    “Sure,” he said skeptically, “it’s the queen’s dog. Don’t you think anyone else around her owns a Corgi?”
    He ignored him, knelt down, and whistled to the dog, “Come Sheena, come girl.”
    He looked over his shoulder and said haughtily, “It’s her name.”
    To add to his superiority the dog responded and ran to his call. “See,” he said smugly. He scooped up the dog and turned the heart-shaped, gold charm toward him. Sure enough, tiny diamonds spelled out the name, Sheena.
    “How did you know the queen’s dogs’ name?” he asked in bewilderment.
    He arched his eyebrow, and said, “A better question is how much do you think her ransom’s worth?”

  3. “Look! It’s one of the queen’s dogs!” he shouted.
    “Hmmm… I wonder where the Queen is and how did this lovely lady get loose?” I ask as I pick up the precious little Corgi.
    “Maybe we should check to make sure nothing is amiss. She came from that direction.” He points the way we’re heading. As we walk, we discuss possible scenarios of what could possibly have happened. Neither of us was prepared for what we walked into.

  4. Look! It’s one of the queen’s dogs!” he shouted.

    Donny looked at the dog. He was out for a walk when suddenly noticed that there was a dog right beside him.

    I wonder where he came from, Donny wondered.

    The dog was beautiful. But whose was it? Was it lost? Was it a stray? So many questions filled his mind.

    Suddenly a train was approaching. Donny had to save the pup. So, he ran towards the tracks and picked up the dog and brought him to the side as the train barrelled past them.

  5. Jane Hirsch says:

    “Oh, my it sure is!” I clapped her hands with glee. “Look at that happy face.”

    “Wouldn’t you be happy to have the Queen be your servant?” His chuckle started both of us giggling.

    Soon we heard a rustle behind the bush and out stepped an elderly lady, ladened with a rain jacket and scarf on her head. “Oh trust me, every one of my dogs thinks of me as their servant” The Queen smiled at the young couple.

    “Your Majesty, please forgive us if we were rude.” I gushed as I curtsied. “How honored we are to meet you in such a lovely garden. I hope it is alright that we are here. You see, we ran out of gas up on the main road and saw the top of your chimney through the trees. We were searching to get some help.”

    “Oh you poor, children, please come with me. I will have someone bring petrol to your vehicle right away. Will you join me in a cuppa tea, while we wait?”

  6. “Look! It’s one of the queen’s dogs!” he shouted.

    Brian pointed in the dog’s direction. He had been sledding when the dog ran by him and his friend John.
    It was obvious that the dog had been playing in the snow. While enjoying the icy flakes he had wandered onto the train tracks. The wide smile on the dog’s face reflected his joy and freedom.

    Where was the royal dog walker? How could they have let the dog get so far away.

    “Watch out!” Brian screamed.

    The bright lights of a train illuminated the metal tracks. The dog was directly in the path of its screaming wheels. Out of the corner of his eye, Brian saw the royal dog walker, leash in hand running toward the canine. She reached the track, and scooped up the pup, just barely saving the royal pet… and her job.

    1. Hi, Rona,

      The first thing I think of when I see a Corgi is the queen’s corgi. I guess great minds think alike.


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