by Suzanne Lieurance

writer's block

When you get stuck as you’re writing a story, novel, nonfiction book, or even an article, it can be frustrating, but there are many ways you can try to keep the words flowing.

Here are 10 techniques that work for many writers:

#1. Free write.

Set a timer for a short period, like 10-15 minutes, and write whatever comes to mind without worrying about grammar or coherence.

This can help break through mental blocks.

#2. Change your writing space.

Sometimes a change of scenery can provide fresh inspiration.

Try writing in a different room, outdoors, or even at a café.

#3. Take a break.

Sometimes stepping away from your writing for a short time can help clear your mind.

Take a walk, do some light exercise, or engage in a different creative activity.

#4. Brainstorm.

Jot down ideas, words, or phrases related to your topic without worrying about structure.

This can help generate new ideas and directions for your writing.

#5. Make an Outline.

If you’re stuck because you don’t know where to go next, try outlining the rest of your piece.

Having a roadmap can make it easier to move forward.

#6. Write a different section or chapter.

If you’re stuck on one part of your writing, try working on a different section or chapter.

You can always come back to the challenging part later.

#7. Talk it out.

Explain your ideas to a friend, family member, or even to yourself out loud.

Sometimes saying things out loud can help clarify your thoughts and get you unstuck.

#8. Set small goals.

Break your writing task into smaller, manageable goals.

Focus on writing just a paragraph or two, or even just a sentence, to get started.

#9. Read Something.

Reading can provide inspiration and help you see how other writers tackle similar challenges.

Read something related to your topic, or something completely unrelated, to give your brain a break.

#10. Get feedback.

Sometimes getting input from others can help you see your writing in a new light and provide ideas for improvement.

Remember, it’s normal to experience writer’s block from time to time.

Be patient with yourself and try not to get discouraged.

Keep experimenting with different techniques until you find what works best for you.

And read this article about writer’s block.

Now, before you go, if you haven’t subscribed to The Morning Nudge, be sure to do that now, so you get our Law of Attraction Checklist for Writers and free access to our Private Resource Library for Writers, as well as a short email every weekday morning to help you manifest your writing dreams!

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