Every month we present a different writing challenge here at writebythesea.com.

February writing challenge

The writing challenge this month is about helping you create great content for your blog and driving traffic to that great content.

Your challenge this month is to write 4 different types of articles for your blog:

1. A List Article

Write a 500 to 800 word list article.

But first, read this post with 9 tips for writing a list article.

2. A How-to Article

Write one 1,000 to 2,000 word how-to article for your site.

Start with an introductory paragraph, that lets readers know what you’re going to teach them to do.

Follow this paragraph with the steps to take to do or make whatever you are teaching the reader to do or make.

End with a concluding paragraph that ties the whole piece together.

Also try to create a short video to include in your article if you are teaching them how to make something.

This way, they can actually “see” how to do it.

3. A Tips Article

A tips article is much like a list article, so you should easily be able to write one 600- 800 word tips article.

However, when you write a tips article you need to make sure the writing is very clear, so readers understand exactly how to follow each tip.

Before you start writing your article, read this article called 20 Quick Tips on Writing Great Blog Posts (if you can’t get this link to work directly from this email, just copy and paste it into your browser):

As you read this article, notice how simple it is.

Readers love tips articles and the more tips you can offer in an article, the better.

Just be sure each tip itself is rather simple, clear, and short.

4. An Interview Article

Write one interview article for your site. Your interview article should be at least 600 words but could be as long as 2,000 words.

The first step to writing an interview article is preparation. Decide on a topic for your article. That will help you figure out who you will need to interview.

Tip: I find it helpful to also come up with a tentative title for my article even before I contact people to interview. With a title, I know exactly what my article will be about, so I can create more focused questions for the experts I plan to interview.

Read this post for additional tips and steps to writing an interview article:

Finally, write your article.

These 4 types of articles are fairly easy to write and once you get familiar with each of them you may decide to write these types of articles for your blog every month.

Try it!

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