Where do you get fun blog post ideas?

If you’re a blogger, you already know that one of the toughest parts about blogging is coming up with fun things to blog about week after week, month after month.

But since you’re a blogger (a.k.a. a writer), you’re probably pretty creative, especially when you have some sort of idea to use as a starting point for a blog post or other interesting content.

But where do you get those initial interesting ideas?

One place is a calendar of events.

You can research different events taking place throughout the year (which can take a lot of time) and use them to come up with ideas for blogs posts.

Another (easier and faster ) way is to simply join our mailing list and log into our Private Resource Library for Writers and download our A Holiday Every Day calendar and use it to create your own editorial calendar for your blog.

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Find out how to use your journal to get ideas you can sell!

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