Do you long to learn how to write a story that’s marketable but just can’t seem to get started?

That’s probably because you don’t understand the story elements needed for any marketable story.

Learn these elements and the writing process will be much easier and you’ll end up with stories that are more likely to sell.

how to write a story

To learn how to write a story, understand these – Story Elements

1. An interesting main character with a problem to solve.

Your main character needs to want something and want it so much he is willing to overcome all sorts of obstacles to get it.

This character is your protagonist; the person readers will root for as he faces conflicts and complications.

2. An interesting setting.

A good story needs to be set in a definite time and place, and readers need to feel they are right there in this time and place with your characters.

Use a variety of vivid sensory details to transport your readers to the time and place you’ve chosen as the setting for your story.

But weave these details into the action as much as possible.

3. Conflict.

Something or someone who gets in the way of the main character in his quest to get what he wants.

The main character who creates this conflict is your antagonist.

Keep in mind that this person shouldn’t be ALL bad.

He should be flawed, of course, but if he’s all bad he won’t seem like a real person, he’ll be more like a caricature.

4. A series of complications.

Things should keep getting worse and worse for the main character in his quest to get what he wants.

These complications will create the dramatic tension and rising action for your story so readers will want to keep turning the pages to find out what happens next.

5. A culminating event that creates change.

Something dramatic needs to occur that will change everything for your main chararacter.

This event is the climax of your story or the solution.

Your main character will either finally get what he is after, or he will understand why it is not possible to get what he wants and he will have to make some sort of peace with that.

Either way, your main character will no longer be the same person he was at the beginning of the story.

He will have changed or grown somehow as a result of the conflicts and complications he faced.

This change (or changes) will lead to a natural resolution as the ending for your tale.

Before you get started writing your own story, take some time to examine a few simple stories more closely for each of these elements.

Fairy tales are good stories to use for this purpose.

It’s also a good idea to have other writers critique your story – to be sure it contains each of these elements.

And, you might try using a checklist before you submit your story to a publisher.

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story elements

story elements

Click here for more on story elements.

Click here for more on how to write.

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