Here are a few tips that will help you be a more productive writer, so you write more and thereby make more money.
Focus on a Single Task/Goal at a Time
When you try to multitask, your production drops and your errors increase.
It will take you longer to complete each item when you switch back and forth because you’re not fully focused on either activity.
You need to complete all items in one mindset before moving to the next.
Block Distractions
Do you get distracted when you should be writing?
Do you check your email or Facebook every time a notification comes in?
There are online applications like Anti-Social (Windows and Macs) or Cold Turkey (for Windows) to block these distractions while you focus on your writing.
You can customize the time and the sites to block that allow you to be more productive. additional apps, check out “10 Apps That Block Distractions.”
Time Yourself
Successful writers who make money writing find ways to concentrate for periods at a time.
Using a timer can help put you in your writing zone.
Find an online application like Tomato Timer or use an old-fashioned kitchen timer.
When you set a timer, it helps you ignore distractions and remain laser focused on your writing until the timer sounds.
This commitment will gradually increase your creativity and productivity.
Make the Best Use of Your Biological Prime Time
As a writer, you need to determine your most productive time of the day.
When do you have the most energy?
How do you calculate your biological prime time?
Chris Bailey provides a simple way to chart the times you are most likely to write your best in his article “How to calculate your Biological Prime Time – the time of day you’re the most productive.”
Determining your biological prime time allows you to write better and faster during that time which makes your productivity go up.
Be Accountable
Telling someone what you are working on in writing makes it real and gives you a deadline.
You can tell a mentor, an accountability partner, or the readers of your blog.
Putting yourself out there and taking responsibility for getting your writing done ensures you will work harder to increase your efficiency.
This tool has increased my productivity by leaps and bounds.
Experiment with Journaling
Journaling is not used the same by all writers.
There are different techniques and types of journals to pick from and you need to find what works for you.
I use a Q&A a Day: 5-Year Journal and a regular spiral notebook that is a combination of Suzanne’s Success Journal and Bullet Journaling.
Experiment with several types until you find the one that helps your productivity rise.
Some Productivity Tools to Try
Writers who write for money would be wise to use some or all of these productivity tools to keep moving forward consistently.
- Plain spiral notebook (or a customized one if you like) for journaling
- Evernote and/or pen and small paper notebook to write down ideas immediately
- Google Calendar (or some calendar) for tracking tasks
- MS Word (or some word processing software) for many all types of writing
- Google Docs (or some online tool) which allows you to write anywhere
- Fiverr (or a similar site) to contract out certain tasks
- com (or a similar site) for royalty free pictures
- Mozy or Dropbox (or something similar) to back up your work
- A word of caution when determining the tools that are right for you.If you find what works, use it.You can always change later.While you need to find the correct tools, you don’t want to waste time trying too many of them at once.
Productivity tools help writers who write for money work smarter.
Michael Hyatt writes, “True productivity isn’t about getting morethings done. It’s about getting the rightthings done,” in his article Why Greater Productivity Leads to More Income.
Even with all the tools our there for writers who write for money, the main step is to just start!
The more you write, the better your writing becomes.
The better your writing becomes, the more your productivity increases.
And the more your productivity increases, the more money you can bring in from your writing.
What is your favorite productivity tool and how has it helped you become more successful?
About Sandra Knight
Sandra Knight is a freelance writer living in Texas with her husband.
Sandra creates content for businesses, including in-depth guides, educational reviews and engaging blog posts.
Her career focus is writing content in the personal finance space, and she is passionate about planning for the future and helping others.
- Learn more about her and her writing services at
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