by Patricia Bumpass
You’re a writer but you’re also a person.
You are a son or daughter, maybe a husband or wife, a friend.
You may have kids and elderly parents to care for and other people to befriend.
Heaven forbid any of people you have to care for have any kind of special needs.
The list goes on and the hats you have to wear seem ever-changing or never-ending.
All of these things vie for your attention.
But, so does your writing.
What do you do when you feel there isn’t any energy left for writing?
What do you do when you’re just plain ol’ tired?
Mentally – not physically.
What do you do when you need that extra kick of energy to get the work done?
As a writer, you can turn to your journal.
Life sometimes gets overwhelming and you find you need to expend your energies on matters other than your writing.
It’s during these times that your journal can be your saving grace.
When you don’t feel like writing one more word, your journal is there.
It allows you to get your writing done for the day and helps you get the project completed so that you can continue to feed your family.
Take it With You – Everywhere
We live in a technologically advanced society.
Many of us carry around a smartphone, a tablet or even a laptop.
There really is no excuse not to journal.
Have a sick child or need to take an elderly parent to an appointment?
Take your journal with you, either on paper or electronically.
Use it to jot down an idea for that project you’re not able to work on or to outline your next article or ebook.
Sketch out your next blog post.
The whole point of having a journal is to keep you writing.
Life can get busy, especially when you own and/or operate your own freelance writing business.
There will always be life emergencies, but your journal can get you through them and keep you on track with your projects.
Surrender to Your Journal
Believe it or not, your journal can be your best friend.
It can hold all of your secrets, your musings, your grumbles, rages, memories and cleansings.
You may even find a few gems within its midst that will turn into great ideas for that copywriting project or ideas that would make a great story/book.
You can literally write about anything in a journal.
That’s what makes it a great vehicle for your projects when your focus needs to be divided between caring for loved ones and writing.
It can be done anywhere – any time.
You are, after all is said and done, a writer with a life.
When life gets in the way, there is no excuse for you not to write.
As long as you have your journal at hand.
At every turn.
About Patricia Bumpass
Patricia (Pat) Bumpass ( is a North Carolina-based freelance writer. Pat enjoys writing and has journaled since she was a teenager. She lives with her son who is blessed with Autism.
Wow! Patricia, you just eliminated all my excuses! Praises to you for an informative and motivational article. Thanks!