If you want to make money writing, a great way to get a free education in whatever it is you are wanting to write—whether you wish to write novels, screenplays, work for business clients, or start an Internet marketing business (which requires a lot of writing)—is to study those who are already successful at the type of work you’re wanting to do.

learn to write

Not only is it free to do this, it’s also fun and you can spend as much time as you like (whenever you like) studying these other successful professionals.

Plus, doing this will help you learn more about the type of writing you think you wish to do before you invest in courses, workshops, or coaching programs.

Here are some tips to help you get started to make the most of your free study.

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If You Wish to Learn How to Write Novels

First, there are all sorts of novels.

It’s best to decide which type or genre of novel you wish to write and then study novels within that genre.

It’s also good to study just one author and one book at a time.

It’s easier if you choose an author who is still alive and writing novels today because that author will probably have a website and/or blog and maybe even be active on social media sites, but you might also choose an author from long ago.

Once you’ve decided which author and which of his/her novels you will study, you should reread this novel from a writer’s viewpoint this time, not just as a reader.

Set up a notebook for this and use the notebook to jot down answers to the following questions about the particular book you choose to study:

1. How did the author open the novel?

2. What kinds of sensory details did the author include in the story and how were these details conveyed. For example, did the author use metaphors or similes often when giving sensory details or did he/she describe things literally?

3. Did the author use foreshadowing to tell the story – and, if so, how was it used?

4. How did the author develop the characters, so they were well-rounded instead of just flat and uninteresting? For example, were character tags used? How did these help set the characters apart?

5. How did the author develop an overall theme for the story?

6. How did the author create dramatic tension and rising action to keep you interested until the climax of the story? And, how did the author create a climax – most exciting part – of the story that sort of changed everything for the main character?

7. How many subplots did the author include in this book? How were they woven into the regular plot?

8. How did the author tie up any loose ends before closing the story?

In addition to answering the above questions, make note of anything else about this book that might help you with your own novel.

Next, see if this author has a website/blog.

Read the About page to learn more about this author. Sometimes this page includes information about HOW the author works, which can be helpful.

Also, see how often the author updates this site and what kinds of content is posted there.

Once you have a published book or two yourself, you can add similar content to your own site.

Also, make note of how many books this author writes and publishes each year.

This will give you some idea of how prolific you’ll need to be if you wish to become a successful author since most highly successful authors write and publish regularly.

You might also see if this author writes series or only stand-alone books.

Also, does this author write under several names.

For example, one of my favorite authors, Sophie Kinsella, is a best-selling author who also writes under her real name, Madeleine Wickham.

While you don’t have to write under several pen names, you’ll learn more about why some authors do, and this can be helpful in planning out your overall career as an author.

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If You Wish to Learn How to Write Screenplays

Study the work of other screenwriters.

Start by choosing a movie you really enjoyed and find out who wrote the screenplay for it.

You might also try to get a copy of the screenplay, so you can read it.

It’s good to choose a popular movie because the screenplay will probably be easier to get.

But here is a site with 50 of the Best Screeplays to Read and Download in Every Genre

Again, screenplays vary according to specific genres, so choose a genre you wish to write.

For example, romantic comedies tend to follow a very specific format, so be sure to get the screenplay for a romantic comedy if this is the genre you wish to write.

You should also get a book about writing screenplays and read it to learn the basics of this type of writing. You should be able to find a good book at screenwriting at your local library.

And here is an article to read that will help you identify some screenwriters you might want to study:

The 100 Best Screenwriters of All Time

Also, read this article that describes the 6 Categories of Romantic Screenplays.

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If You Wish to Learn How to Write for Business Clients

Search online for someone who writes for business clients, just as you would if you were going to hire someone like this.

But instead of hiring this person, you will study what they do to run a successful business.

First, make note of the kinds of business clients this writer caters to.

Ideally, you want to choose a writer who caters to the same target market that you’re hoping to cater to so the things you learn about this person can be directly applied to your own business.

What kinds of materials does this writer seem to specialize in?

You’ll notice that most writers tend to specialize in just a few areas rather than attempting to write anything and everyting for anyone and everyone.

Make note of the types of writing services this writer offers.

Does he give pricing information or invite readers to inquire about pricing?

All this information will help you learn what to do to set up your own site to attract business clients.

Does this writer have an online portfolio or resume or other way to showcase samples of his work for potential clients to see?

Study this person’s website/blog to learn how he has set it up to attract clients.

Get on this person’s email list so you can find out some of the other ways he/she markets to potential (and existing) clients.

Here are some business writers you might want to follow, many of them offer programs, courses, e-books, and workshops you can purchase as well:

Holly Johnson (try her FREE workshop)
Carol Tice
Mike Shreeve (try his FREE no pants academy training)
Elna Cain (try her FREE email course)
Linda Formichelli

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If You Wish to Learn How to Become an Internet Marketer

I’m including Internet marketing here because most Internet marketing businesses involve a great deal of writing—blog posts, emails, special reports, e-books, books, and other information products (like e-courses, etc.).

The first thing you need to do is get a feel for the Internet marketer you have decided to study.

To do that, get on this person’s email list so you will start receiving his/her emails.

These emails will tell you a lot about how to conduct your own Internet marketing business, including how often to email, what to include in your emails, how to construct your emails, etc.

What kind of online presence does this person have—a blog, a website, several blogs, perhaps?

You should be able to find this person’s social media connections at their blog or website, so also follow them on their social media pages to get an idea of how they use social media for their Internet marketing business.

Some of my favorite Internet Marketers to follow are:

Connie Ragen Green

Lynn Terry (she has a couple of successful niches)

Alice Seba (she specializes in PLR, but has other niches as well)

Jeff Herring (He’s actually a “content marketer”)

Final Considerations

If you’re really serious about becoming a professional writer you won’t stop with this free education.

You’ll practice your craft by writing, writing, writing.

And you’ll also want to start investing in your future by attending professional conferences, taking classes (online or in person) and workshops, and you’ll want to continue reading widely in the genre you wish to write.

But if you educate yourself first for free, later you’ll be able to make wiser decisions about which items to purchase.

Additional Free Resources to Help You Learn How to Write

Here are some free e-books and other resources you might like. Some of them will require an opt-in.

Nail Your Novel Instant Fix

How to Write a Novel the Easy Way

Crafting Unforgettable Characters

100+ Freelance Writing Questions Answered – by Carol Tice

30 Days to Better Business Writing

9 Places You Can Get Great Business Books for Free

Free E-books for Authors and Writers

Write a Romance – free e-course

How to Write a Middle Grade Novel from Start to Finish

To Your Success,

Suzanne Lieurance

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