by Suzanne Lieurance


As a freelance writer, author, and Law of Attraction coach for writers, I’m in constant contact with many other writers.

Some of these writers tell me how they envy me because I seem to be living the life of my dreams.

And they’re right about that.

I am living the writing life I dreamed about for so many years when I was teaching full time and never seemed to have a chance to get much writing done.

The thing is, many of these other writers are also living their dream.

They just don’t realize it.

Why not?

Well, we all have visions of our perfect life.

But sometimes we can’t see how much of that perfect life we are already living if every single thing in that vision hasn’t manifested to become part of our everyday experience yet.

And it’s a shame when that happens because we miss out on all the joy along the way to manifesting the complete life of our dreams.

Try This

I always tell my coaching clients to write down a complete description of what their ideal writing life would look like.

What would they be writing?

How often would they be writing it?

Where would they be writing it?

Who would they be writing it for and who would pay them to write it?

What else would they be doing during the day to continue their writing career (either to promote their writing or to market their writing services)?

Where would they live?

Where would they travel?

What would they do with all that delicious money they’d be making from writing?

Once they have written down a complete description of their dream life (using as many sensory details as possible to make this dream even more vivid in their minds), I ask them these questions:

1. What are you currently writing?

2. How often do you currently write it?

3. Where do you currently write it?

4. Who do you currently write it for and who pays you to write it?

5. What else do you do during the day right now to build your writing career or your writing business?

6. Where are you living right now?

7. What do you do now with the money you make from writing?

Next, we look for matches in their answers to these two sets of questions.

For example, often writers give the same answer to these questions:

• What would you be writing (in your dream life)?

• What are you writing (in your life right now)?

They might be writing a lot of fiction right now and they’d be writing a lot of fiction if they were living the life of their dreams.

Well, duh….then they’re already living that part of their dream life.

Many writers also write from home and they’d be writing from home in their dream life, too.

The only difference is the home in their dream life is a bit bigger than the home they are living and writing in right now or maybe that home in their dream life is at the beach or in the mountains.

Are you already living your dream life right now (at least in part) but you just don’t realize it?

Here’s how to tell:

1. You’re already writing the types of things you love to write.

2. You’re already sending these things to agents, publishers, and clients.

3. You’re already getting paid (even if it’s just once in a while) for something you write.

4. You already have a favorite place to write and you already write there regularly – that place might be at the beach (which is my favorite place to write), but it could also be a coffeeshop or bookstore or just a quiet corner in your bedroom or maybe even at your dining room table.

5. You are already writing a book right now and/or a book you’ve written has just been released or is about to be released.

6. You already wake up every morning happy that you’re a writer!

I hope you realize by now that living the life of your dreams isn’t so much a destination as it is a journey.

Be sure to enjoy that journey by realizing how much of your dream life you are already living right now.

And here’s an special bonus to this—When you take the time to realize how much of your dream life you are already living, the rest of those things you need to make your dream life complete will come to you much faster.

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