For some writing fun, and a little writing practice, look at the picture and write a story.

What could be easier than that?

creative writing prompts

Every Sunday we post 10 new writing prompts here with a photo for each prompt.

These prompts are also available in our private Resource Library for Writers as printables to go in your Creative Writing Journal (just sign up for our mailing list, below, to get instant access to this private library).

All this month (September 2019), we’re hosting a Daily Writing Prompt Challenge, so in addition to these 10 prompts each week, look for a new prompt here every weekday morning in September.

Here are this week’s prompts:

writing prompt

1. The drone was following them, and photographing their every move, and they knew it.

writing prompts

2. “I understand you have 100 hours of community service to do,” said Mrs. Johnson, the woman who owned the stables. “I’ll get you a pitchfork and you can start mucking out the stalls.”

writing prompt

3. The sandstorm would reach them in a matter of minutes. “We’ve got to find cover,” he said.

writing prompt

4. Sure, Nikko was of Japanese descent, but this was still her first trip to Japan, and she knew nothing about the place.

writing prompt

5. The fox was exhausted, but he had outwitted the terrible dogs once again.

writing prompt

6. “When I was a child, they called me Little Red Riding Hood,” she told him.

writing prompt

7. “We’ll spend the night here,” he said as they entered the abandoned building.

She looked around at all the old tires. “What is this place?”

writing prompt

8. “Oh, no!” she said as she saw the clothesline. “Someone has taken all my clothes!”

writing prompt

9. The cheetah was staring at Jack and his friend Larry. “We’ll never outrun that guy. What should we do?” said Larry.

writing prompt

10. “Wow! I haven’t seen a phone like that in thirty years or so? Do you think it even works?”


You’ll find lots of other creative writing prompts here.

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creative writing prompts

writing prompts

creative writing prompts

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