Try these new creative writing prompts and visual prompts to make up a story, a poem, or even a song this week.

writing prompt

1. Andrew sat in the dark with his face in his hands. What have I done, he wondered?

writing prompt

2. “Pick a card,” Amy said. “Any card.”

Michael stared at the cards, wondering what Amy was up to.

writing prompts

3. Not everyone had a pet cat like Meghan’s.

writing prompt

4. Jane had always wanted to ride in a gondola.

writing prompts

5. “Books in this library will transform you to another world,” said Claire’s friend, Samantha.

writing prompt

6. Kylie and Jared were enjoying the solitude of their own private island when the cruise ship arrived, full of noisy passengers.

writing prompts

7. Meredith was proud of her young daughter and her friends who had started their own highly successful catering business. Who says kids can’t run a business, she thought.

writing prompt

8. Leona sat on the sidewalk outside the bus station. I really am leaving him. All I need to do is walk inside, get my ticket, and get on the bus, she thought.


9. “Thanks for pet sitting for me,” Jennifer said to Lydia. “I’m sure my little darlings will be no trouble at all.”

writing prompt

10. Katie always did her best thinking at the beach.

Need more prompts so you can make up a story?

Check out this Writing Prompts Workbook and Journal.

make up a story

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