Margot Finke is the author of a picture book, Kobi Borrows a Pouch.

This post is part of her online book tour which took place over  five days at different web sites.

In today’s post, Margot gives a glimpse into her life as a writer.

Margot Finke's Book Cover Kobe Borrows a Pouch


The Writing Life with Margot Finke

I guess I am lucky.

When the last of our three kids went off to college, I turned their fun playroom into my writing den.

It houses a large U-shaped desk with lots of shelves, and drawer space for writing “mess”, plus my computer.

Plus a fireplace, couch and chairs, and windows to the gardens outside.

This space gives me the peace and quiet I need to think up my plots, and that was never available with three rowdy kids always running rampant.

With 16 books published now, I don’t write as often as before.

My time is often spent on book promotion, client critiques, and setting up Virtual Tours like this one.

My handwriting is terrible (can’t read it myself), so I use the computer for my stories.

My best ideas come late at night when I should be sleeping.

So I sneak into the bathroom, where I keep pad and pencil, and jot down those cool (?) thoughts.

If I don’t do this, by morning they are long gone.

Writing is my passion, and these days I am trying to nut out ways that I can fit more of it into my loaded daily schedule.

Writing is a labor of love!

I write, because to not do so is unthinkable.

It is the selling and promotion that is really hard work.

It steals the time I would prefer to spend on writing. Grrr!


Click here to find out more about how to have the writing life that Margot Finke has.



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  1. Thank you Writing Life, for hosting me today. Much appreciated, mate.

    Margot Finke
    Magic Carpet of 16 Books

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