Some time ago, I attended an excellent conference featuring women authors.

Exciting event.

Diverse authors.

Great presentations.

So many lost opportunities!

marketing your book

All these speakers/authors had a fabulous opportunity to build their fan/reader base, yet almost none of them took advantage of these eleven easy tips for maximizing the marketing benefit of speaking at a conference on their books.

1. In the conference program, include the name of your book as part of your title!

2. Be sure your introducer uses the name of your book by giving them your introduction in advance, and taking an extra copy of your intro to the conference.

3. Be sure you mention the name of your book throughout your presentation. State the title slowly and distinctly (you know it so well, but your audience doesn’t).

4. Offer a handout, postcard, or bookmark as a takeaway that includes your book’s name and how to reach you (via email, telephone, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). Your readers want to be able to connect with you so don’t make them search.

5. Read from your book, and HOLD A COPY OF YOUR BOOK! Even though you may have it electronically and can read it from your phone or other electronic device, it is powerful to hold the book and let the audience see the cover of your book.

6. Have a method to collect the names of those attending your session. You can do this by having a sign-in sheet (“sign-up for my free newsletter or blog”), collecting cards and giving a door prize (like your book!), or by offering a free goodie (like a sample chapter or other tangential product). You can do this by asking attendees to send an email to you or to visit your website to download the freebie (in marketing we call this freebie an “irresistible free offer” or IFO).

7. During your presentation, mention your website and your IFOs (give them a reason to visit your site!). You want readers to engage with you!

8. Use a PowerPoint or poster that includes the cover of the book and its title and your contact information. If you want to encourage Tweeting during your presentation, share your hashtag by announcing it at the beginning of your presentation or on your PowerPoint.

9. Offer your books for sale after you speak, and be sure to announce when and where your book signing will be. Be sure that the conference planners allow plenty of time following your session for individuals to purchase your book. Ideally, position the book store close to your conference presentation site, or set up a sales counter outside your speaking venue.

10. When you sign your books, be sure to get a card or contact information from your reader. Offer to personalize your book for the reader, and offer a bookmark or label for the book that says “autographed by the author.”

11. Take pictures of you holding your book with those who have purchased your book. Post these on social media and share the post with your new readers.

About Cathy Fyock
marketing your bookCathy Fyock is Your Possibility Partner, and works with professionals who want to get their non-fiction books WRITTEN! She is the author of five books on human resources issues which were instrumental in building her successful HR consulting practice.

She can be reached at or 502-445-6539. Visit her website at

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