by Suzanne Lieurance

creative writing prompts

Try these new writing prompts this week:

Monday’s Prompt: The Forgotten Diary

You stumble upon an old diary hidden in your attic.

As you read it, you realize it predicts events from the future—some of which have already come true. What happens next?

Tuesday’s Prompt: The Mirror’s Reflection

Every time you look into the mirror, your reflection shows a slightly different version of you living an alternate life.

Write about a day when you decide to switch places with the reflection.

Wednesday’s Prompt: A World Without Sound

Imagine waking up one day to a world where all sound has mysteriously vanished.

Describe how people adapt, communicate, and thrive (or struggle) in this new silent reality.

Thursday’s Prompt: The Midnight Library

There’s a library that only appears at midnight, where the books rewrite themselves based on the reader’s fears or desires.

You’re invited to enter for one night—what do you find?

Friday’s Prompt: Letters from the Future

A future version of yourself starts sending letters through time, offering guidance and warnings.

The twist?

You don’t agree with the advice.

What do you do with this knowledge?

Saturday’s Prompt: The Last Human

After a global event, you find yourself the last human on Earth, but you soon discover that nature is trying to communicate with you in ways you never imagined.

How do you respond?

Sunday’s Prompt: The Deal with Time

You are granted the ability to pause time at will, but each time you do, you lose a memory.

Write about the moment you realize the price you’re paying and what happens when you try to remember what you’ve lost.


Now, before you go, if you haven’t subscribed to The Morning Nudge, be sure to do that now, so you get our Law of Attraction Checklist for Writers and free access to our Private Resource Library for Writers, as well as a short email every weekday morning to help you manifest your writing dreams!

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