Each month we present a new writing challenge to help you write on a regular basis and improve your writing.

This month it’s a microfiction challenge to write at least a few examples.

microfiction challenge

What is Microfiction?

Microfiction is the art of telling a story in as few words as possible—usually only a few hundred words and sometimes as few as 50 words.

But even with such a limited word count, your fiction still needs to have a beginning, a middle, and an end.

And it needs to tell a story, not simply relate one or more incidents.

With all this in mind, we challenge you to come up with 5 new story ideas this month.

You might try for stories centered around the holidays since this is December, and holiday stories are fun to write.

Plus, you’ll find all sorts of inspiration for holiday stories.

Once you have 5 story ideas, turn each one of them into a micro-story.

Why accept the microfiction challenge?

There are many reasons to write microfiction.

The most obvious is that it will help you start writing on a regular basis without much of a daily time commitment.

It will also help you get better at developing stories.

And, it’s always helpful to learn how to write tight—meaning, you make every single work important to the story.

Here’s a good post to read about Microfiction.


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microfiction challenge microfiction challenge


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