Search Results for: rejection


About Editors

by Gary Bloomfield Ask any writer what they think about editors and typically they’ll either despise them, or adore them. There’s little in between. And if a writer doesn’t have an opinion about the subject, then they’ve never had to deal with an editor. “You have to give an editor something to change, or he…

Rejected Manuscript?

Rejected Manuscript?

Rejected manuscript? Sometime ago, an aspiring children’s author hired Melissa Abramovitz  to critique and edit a short story that children’s magazine editors kept rejecting. Since some of the mistakes this writer made are very common, Melissa decided to share how she helped her correct them. These errors put many manuscripts on a fast track to…

daily writing prompt challenge

What Children’s Publishers Are Looking For – Fill Your Own Shoes

Some time ago, I read several independent blog posts by editors and literary agents about book submissions they have received in which the cover letter included claims that the author envisioned him or herself as the next J.K. Rowling, Maurice Sendak, Dr. Seuss, or other best-selling author. The problem with these submissions, the editors and agents stated, is that they are not looking for the next J.K. Rowling or Maurine Sendak or Dr. Seuss. They’re looking for the first and only you.

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