Writing prompts and photo prompts are great tools for developing a creative writing practice.

writing prompts

Here are this week’s printable writing prompts with photos.

creative writing prompt

  1. He’d been showing us card tricks for over an hour. We didn’t want to see any more.

writing prompt

2. Maggie Owens loved teaching kindergarten.

writing prompt

3. “Is this the jewelry box and the pearls that were missing?” asked the detective.

writing prompt

4. I hadn’t eaten since yesterday. Surely, no hard would come to me for taking just one apple from the orchard.

writing prompt

5. “Don’t you ever get tired of taking selfies?” I asked my sister as she snapped yet another one.

writing prompt

6. I’d never seen so many swans in one place. They were really quite frightening.

writing prompt

7. We were stuck in traffic. I knew we shouldn’t have taken a taxi.

writing prompt

8. He looked at the beautiful young woman in the red cape and said, “Little Red Riding Hood, I presume.”

writing prompt

9. “I’ll bet you’re too afraid to trick-or-treat at this house,” said my older brother.

writing prompt

10. A man in a green hoodie moved towards me. At least, I thought it was a man.


These writing prompts are also available as printable prompts for your creative writing journals.

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 | Printable Writing Prompts for the Week

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