This Self-editing infographic is a great way to make a few changes to instantly improve your writing.

Any of these 10 self-editing tips is easy to implement, but sometimes, we don’t think of these things on our own.

Use these 10 tips to create a self-editing checklist to use each time you finish a first draft.

10 Editing Tips That'll Instantly Make You a Better Writer (Infographic)

These aren’t all grammar tips, but here are some tips that will instantly improve your fiction.

Here is Part of a Post on Self-Editing. Click the title to see the whole article: Self-Editing for Fiction Writers – 5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Fiction

Sometimes learning just a few more “tricks of the trade” can take your writing to a higher level.

Try these five easy tips to instantly improve your fiction.

Some of these will work for nonfiction, too.


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self-editing tips

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