This week’s new short story writing prompts include visual prompts to help you come up with some new story ideas.


visual writing prompts

1. “We’ll put it in his coffee,” she said. “He’ll never suspect a thing.”

visual writing prompt

2. Madeline heard music coming from the backyard. When she went to investigate, she found an old radio blaring.

visual writing prompt

3. It was just an empty cookie jar. At least, they thought it was empty until they opened it.

visual writing prompts

4. The dog’s ears perked up when the man came closer. “He doesn’t like you,” Heather said to the man, “you’d better stay back.”

visual writing prompt

5. “You’re the worst workout partner I’ve ever had,” Sally said to Terrance.

visual writing prompt

6. As the two sisters strolled casually with an umbrella, David realized there was something odd about them, but he couldn’t quite figure out what it was.

visual writing prompt

7. It was a strange looking house by the sea, and Marilyn was afraid to knock on the door, but she knew she had to.

visual writing prompt

8. When Nigel returned to their Swiss hotel room, Emma was gone. All that remained was some cash and two of her rings.

visual writing prompt

9. The dog had been waiting quietly in the old truck for hours, but his owner had not returned.

visual writing prompt

10. Lucas had decided to run away – on a train!

Get 101 more short story writing prompts here.

short story writing prompts

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 | Short Story Writing Prompts

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