simileby Renee Kirchner, Teaching Tips Contributing Editor

Similes compare two unlike things using phrases that begin with like or as. Similes help you see pictures in your mind.

Can you see these similes?

The tree was as tall as a skyscraper. The stray dog was as thin as a needle. The playground looked like a busy anthill. Her new tooth was as white as a marshmallow.

Similes are descriptive, colorful, and clever. They help us see objects in ways we never have seen them before.

The swimming pool was as cold as an iceberg. Her hair looked like buttered spaghetti. The water slide was as slippery as a bar of soap. The soccer goal looked like a giant butterfly net.

Some similes are overused and we’ve heard them many times. These are called clichés. Try not to use this type of simile too much. Come up with your own ideas that are even better.

Have you heard some of these clichés before?

Her face was as red as a beet. He was as mad as a hornet. Their mother was as busy as a bee. His cat was as fat as a pig.

The best similes use the five senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell to describe an object. Here are just a few:

The ocean tasted as salty as a pretzel. The cat’s tongue felt as rough as sandpaper. The old sleeping bag smelled like a wet dog. The school bell was as loud as a police siren.

Can you write a simile? Give it a try.

An Exercise in Writing Similes:

Complete the sentences to make your own similes. Try not to use clichés.

1. The candy tasted as sweet as __________________________________________.

2. The ice cream truck sounded like a _____________________________________.

3. Her smile was as wide as a __________________________________________.

4. She ran as fast as a _________________________________________________.

5. The pickle tasted as sour as a _________________________________________.

6. The movie was as sad as ____________________________________________.

7. Their teacher was as smart as ________________________________________.

8. The aquarium looked like a _________________________________________.

9. The berries were as red as a _________________________________________.

10. His old tennis shoes smelled like a ___________________________________.


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