I’m happy to announce that Snapshots from Real Life: Stories to Warm the Heart and Tickle the Funny Bone, has just been released from Creative Caravan Press.

This book is an anthology of stories written by some of the writers from my Fearless Freelance Writing e-course and mentoring program (This program begins again in January 2018. Just go to www.fearlessfreelancewriting.com to learn how your stories can be included in our next anthology. Register by October 31st to get the Early Bird Discount).

snapshots from real life

About the Book
Six exciting authors from the United States and Canada share stories from their personal lives.

Come along and experience what it’s like to prepare for a hurricane in south Florida, start out on a Europeon adventure with two small children and a husband in tow, or swim in a clay pit in Texas (hint: if Grandpa comes with you, be sure he keeps his mouth closed when jumping in).

You’ll even get tips for finding four-leaf clovers, plus, you’ll learn what the car you drive says about you.

Some of these tales will tickle your funny bone while others will warm your heart.

Either way, you’ll probably recognize something of yourself and your own life in every one of these snapshots from real life.

For more stories from the authors of this book, visit their blogs here:

Sandra D. Knight – Stories from Deep in the Heart of Texas

Wendy Dewar Hughes – For People Who Love Artsy Stuff, Gifts and Projects, Sweet Letters, and Inspiring Books

Pamela G. Hamilton – Stories from the Sunny Side of Life


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