Why You Need a Success Journal
If you keep a personal journal, you already know the many benefits of journaling. But you might not know the power of keeping what I call a Success Journal.
This type of journal is one devoted solely to your writing or your freelance writing business.
In this journal, you keep track of your various writing projects.
You also track your feelings and emotions about your work because they play a big part in your successes and failures.
You can also use a Success Journal to keep track of your weekly marketing plans (you ARE creating a marketing plan for your writing every week, I hope).
To start a Success Journal, just get a new spiral notebook—or a looseleaf notebook with notebook paper and dividers and use one section of this notebook as your Success Journal.
On the front of this spiral notebook—or on one of dividers if you’re using a looseleaf notebook—with black magic marker, write–in big, bold letters–Success Journal 2018.

Date the first page of the journal with today’ date, then sit down with your journal and start writing.
Journal for as many pages as a time as you like.
Just be sure to date each entry.
You can choose to write in your Success Journal every morning or every evening, whichever time works better for you.
If you like to write in the morning, you might start your day by jotting down your intention for the day in your Success Journal.
If you like to review your day in the evenings, you might choose to jot down a few notes about your workday every evening.
When you face certain obstacles or challenges with your writing career or with a specific writing project, use your Success Journal to explore these obstacles or challenges in detail.
Start a dialogue with yourself, where you ask yourself a question about the challenge or obstacle and then attempt to answer it.
I know this sounds a little crazy.
But, trust me, it’s very helpful.
And, I’ve found that if I sit down with my journal and write about one of my problems, challenges, or obstacles for at least 15 minutes, by the end of that time I seem to have made some sort of connection with a higher power – or maybe it’s just my subconscious mind – that provides me with answers and solutions to these problems or challenges.
The trick, for me, at least, is that I must write for at least 15 minutes without stopping.
If I write for less time than that, I don’t have the same kind of insightful breakthroughs.
Over time, your Success Journal will reveal some important information about the way you work and write.
And, just the name SUCCESS Journal will help you focus on what you need to do or change in order to reach your professional goals and become more successful.
So, go ahead, start your own Success Journal today.
Try it!
Suzanne Lieurance
For some other ways to journal, click here.
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