What are Story Starter Sentences?

Story starter sentences are just what the name implies—they are sentences to use to start a story.

Try these new creative writing prompts and write some new stories this week.


1. It was almost 3:30 in the afternoon. Daisy’s grandmother had been napping for over an hour. Daisy eased open the door to her grandmother’s bedroom. “It’s time to get up, granny,” she said.

2. Megan hated school dances, so why had she let her best friend talk her into attending this one, she wondered.

3. When Ben told Sarah he was whisking her away for a romantic holiday, she had no idea this is what he meant.

4. It was meant to be a joyous christening. How could so many things go wrong?

5. Marcia and Tom were going to choose names for the baby today, but Marcia was not looking forward to it. Tom was determined their baby would have a solid, sensible name like his, but Marcia wanted a more unusual name for their child.

6. Med took a big bite of chocolate cake before she realized she had spoiled her diet yet again.

7. Vampires aren’t real—or so I thought until…

8. Like so many other people in the world, when Kelly got depressed, she ate, and ate, and ate.

9. It was the most hideous house Nan had ever seen.
“It’s all ours!” gushed her husband.

10. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me today,” said Emma. “I have absolutely no energy.”
Charles looked at her with a gleam in his eye. “Well, we’ll soon fix that!”

Get 101 More Story Starter Sentences here now.

You’ll find even more creative writing prompts and story starter sentences here.

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