I hope you’ve started a regular writing practice.

If not, now’s a great time to begin.

story starters

Use this week’s prompts to start a new short story, poem, or even a song, each day this week.

Since there are 10 prompts, try combining a few of them a couple of days this week to see what you come up with.

Each prompt has a visual prompt, too, so use the visual prompt if you aren’t inspired by the written prompt.

Try it!

story starters

1. The leaves had all left the trees. Winter was nearly here and time was running out.

story starters

2. I was up next. What was I thinking? I know nothing about golf. I don’t even know which mallet to use. What a minute…they aren’t mallets. They’re clubs. Yikes! That just proves I know nothing about golf, doesn’t it?

story starters

3. He said it was the deal of a lifetime. But as we shook hands I got a queasy feeling. What had I just done?

story starters

4. She checked her phone for the hundredth time in ten minutes. Why hasn’t he texted or called, she wondered.

story starters

5. An abandoned old warehouse was an odd place to meet. But she was here, so she’d wait 5 minutes. If he hadn’t shown up by then, she would leave.

story starters

6. “Fly away with me,” he said. And together we took off in his colorful hot air balloon!

story starters

7. He eased her towards the telescope. “Take a look,” he said. “You might be surprised at what you see.”

story starters

8. Erin was so tired of being sad.

story starters

9. It was the most beautiful time of year. Everywhere she turned, the trees were orange and gold.

story starters

10. Amy led her brother, Ethan, into the woods.

“You aren’t taking me to a gingerbread house where a witch lives, are you?” he asked.

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