by Suzanne Lieurance

how to take inspired action

There’s a certain kind of magic that comes when you know what to do next.

In a world buzzing with “how-to” guides, advice, and opinions, that moment of clarity can feel like you’ve just struck gold.

For writers, this is where inspired action steps in.

When you’re clear about your next move, taking action stops being about just checking boxes and becomes a powerful way to bring your vision to life.

Let’s look at what it really means to take inspired action when you know exactly what to do and how to make it work for you.

Inspired Action: Beyond the To-Do List

Inspired action isn’t just about plowing through a checklist.

Sure, planning helps, but inspired action?

It’s about doing something because it excites you, because it’s aligned with your deepest goals.

Think of it as the difference between “I have to write today” and “I can’t wait to write today.”

That difference matters, especially when you’re clear on what to do next.

When you’re in that zone, you’re not just moving for the sake of getting stuff done—you’re moving with purpose.

And that sense of purpose is what turns action into something powerful, keeping burnout at bay and keeping your creative energy high.

Trusting Your Inner Compass

Inspired action is all about tuning in and trusting your intuition.

It’s the voice that says, “Write this scene,” or “Send that email to the editor.”

When you feel that certainty, let it guide you.

Inspired action means you’re leaning into that inner voice, trusting it to point you in the right direction, even if everything isn’t perfectly mapped out.

Remember, taking inspired action doesn’t mean waiting for the stars to align or for every detail to be sorted.

It means you’re ready to listen, trust, and go with your gut—one clear step at a time.

Building Momentum with Small Wins

When you’re clear about your next steps, don’t fall into the trap of thinking you need to take a massive leap.

Inspired action can mean something as simple as jotting down a few new ideas, reaching out to a connection, or doing some research that lights you up.

Small actions add up, creating momentum that keeps you moving forward.

Every small win fuels your journey and builds your confidence.

So, don’t underestimate the power of those little steps.

Each one proves to yourself that you’re showing up and getting closer to what you want.

Let Passion Outweigh Perfectionism

One of the biggest hurdles to inspired action is perfectionism.

You might think, “If I’m going to do this, it better be flawless.”

But inspired action isn’t about perfection; it’s about starting.

Let your passion lead the way instead of getting bogged down by the need to get it just right.

The process itself will help you find the best path.

Often, the magic happens when you let go of that need to control every outcome and just focus on the excitement of moving forward.

Turning Action into Commitment

When you know what to do next, taking action becomes a form of commitment.

You’ve removed the “what should I do?” question, and now it’s all about honoring that decision.

Each action, no matter how small, is a step toward building the writing life you want.

It’s a sign to yourself—and to the universe—that you’re serious, that you’re ready to do the work.

This kind of commitment builds momentum.

You’re creating a pattern of showing up, making things happen, and moving closer to your goals.

It’s powerful because it strengthens your belief in yourself and keeps you open to even more inspiration.

Stay Flexible and Open to Change

Even when you’re clear on your next steps, it’s important to stay open to new ideas and course corrections.

Inspired action is rarely a straight line; sometimes, as you move forward, new directions or opportunities will pop up.

Being willing to adjust your course shows that you’re not only committed but also adaptable.

Clarity isn’t a one-time thing; it evolves as you grow and learn.

That’s the beauty of inspired action—you don’t have to see the whole journey to take the first step.

Just move forward and trust that you’ll keep getting clearer along the way.

Celebrating Each Step of Your Journey

Taking inspired action, especially when you know what to do, is something to celebrate.

Every step forward is part of your success story.

You’re not just talking about writing the life of your dreams; you’re actively creating it.

Inspired action isn’t just about getting things done; it’s about building confidence, staying excited, and fueling your passion.

You’re showing up for yourself, for your vision, and for the work you know you’re here to do.

When you look back, you’ll see that these moments of clarity, followed by inspired action, were the foundation of everything you achieved.

So, the next time you know exactly what to do, embrace it.

Let that certainty guide you.

Taking inspired action is your way of bringing your writing dreams closer, one step at a time.

Trust yourself, lean into the energy of that clarity, and keep moving forward.

You’re already well on your way to creating the writing life you’ve always wanted.

Now, before you go, if you haven’t subscribed to The Morning Nudge, be sure to do that now, so you get our Law of Attraction Checklist for Writers and free access to our Private Resource Library for Writers, as well as a short email every weekday morning to help you manifest your writing dreams!

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