by Simon Rose, Contributing Editor (this post is an excerpt from Simon’s book The Children’s Writer’s Guide)


Writer’s block is usually defined as the temporary loss of ability to begin or continue writing, usually due to lack of creativity and inspiration.

Let’s assume that the hypothetical writer in question is in good physical condition, since being unable to write can often be linked to changes or disruptions in health and wellbeing, such as depression and anxiety.

We should also assume that the writer is residing in a relatively free society, where their writing is not restricted by censorship, government regulations, or civil or international conflict, and that the writer is living in reasonable socio-economic circumstances.

Historically, it should also be noted that many women and working-class writers have often been unable to devote themselves to their writing because their social and economic circumstances prevented them from doing so.

The most widely held belief is that writer’s block is simply part of a natural ebb and flow in anyone’s creative process.

I haven’t normally experienced writer’s block, at least not in the sense of running out of creativity or ideas.

I might occasionally experience a lack of motivation rather than an absence of inspiration, but it certainly still stops me from getting any work done.

As I often point out to children at school visits when we are discussing where ideas come from, I can sometimes get a lot of ideas in the same day, but then nothing of any significance for months at a time.

If the dreaded block happens to you, rest assured that it also happens to established writers, no matter how prodigious their output, so you’re not alone.

Simon Rose
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Learn more about The Children’s Writer’s Guide and all Simon’s other books on his website at

Simon also offers a variety of coaching services for writers and his Writing for Children and Young Adults online course.

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