The Value in Creative Writing Prompts

writing prompts

If you’ve been wanting to become a writer, but you haven’t actually done any writing yet, here’s a good way to get started.

Get a spiral notebook and dedicate it to a little creative writing.

Choose one of the following creative writing prompts each day this week and write a complete short story of at least 500 words.

Do this every day this week and you’ll have 7 stories by next Sunday.

Do it every day this month and you’ll have 30 short stories by May 1st.

Once you’ve written 30 stories, you’ll have developed a regular writing practice.

If you read back over your 30 stories, you’ll probably also notice that your writing has started to improve.

Keep writing one new story every day for a few months and you’ll continue to improve your writing.

Try it!

This Week’s Creative Writing Prompts

1. Mary glanced up from her morning crossword puzzle to see her husband, Joel, standing there with a suitcase.

“I’m leaving you, Mary,” he said. “I want a divorce.”

Mary’s eyes widened. “That’s it. Number 12 across – divorce.”

2. It was more money than Sally had ever seen. But what was it doing in her husband’s sock drawer?

3. Linda scraped the last of the chocolate cake from her plate into the garbage disposal. She was tired of being held hostage by her extra pounds.

4. Fred and Winifred came to the bar every Tuesday night to play trivia.

“Look at those two,” Winfried whispered to Fred. “They’re going at it like teenagers, and they must be at least 50. It’s disgusting.”

Fred didn’t say anything.

5. With the inheritance check from Aunt Violet, Tina could finally do what she’d always wanted to do.

6. Jessica peeked out the front window to see a police car parked in front of her house.

7. Edward could not stop the bleeding.

Happy writing!

P.S. If you enjoy these weekly prompts, please leave a comment and let me know. Which ones from this week’s list did you find easiest to write about?

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  1. Absolutely LOVE number 1. Mary is basically saying “See ye! Don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out”

    1. nomdepomme says:

      Hey, Val,

      Yeah, I had fun creating that one. I think it can make a great beginning to a fun story.

      Happy writing!


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