by Suzanne Lieurance

Here are seven creative writing prompts centered around voting in the presidential election:

Monday’s Prompt: The Secret Ballot Enclave

Write a story where, in a future dystopian society, a secret enclave exists where citizens can vote anonymously to change the direction of their country.

Only a select few know of its existence, and you are one of them.

What challenges do you face as you try to cast your vote?

Tuesday’s Prompt: The Whispering Machine

In an alternate present, a mysterious machine that can read thoughts is installed at every voting booth to ensure the authenticity of each person’s true choice.

Write about the implications this has on society and the main character who has discovered a flaw in the system.

Wednesday’s Prompt: The Time-Traveling Voter

Your protagonist discovers they have the ability to travel through time and influence the outcome of past presidential elections.

What ethical dilemmas do they face, and how do their actions reshape history?

Thursday’s Prompt: The Election Night Hacker

Create a suspenseful narrative around a tech genius who is faced with a moral choice when hired to rig the election results.

Do they go through with it, expose the plan, or find a third way that changes everything?

Friday’s Prompt: Voices of the Disenfranchised

Write from the perspective of three different voters who have historically felt that their votes never mattered: an elderly war veteran, a young first-time voter from an underrepresented community, and a disillusioned former politician.

How does each character find hope or frustration in this year’s election?

Saturday’s Prompt: The AI Candidate

Imagine a future where the leading presidential candidate is an AI programmed to reflect the beliefs of the majority.

The protagonist, a journalist, uncovers that the AI has been subtly manipulated.

How does this revelation affect the election?

Sunday’s Prompt: A Vote with Consequences

In a world where casting a vote physically changes an aspect of reality for the voter, each choice comes with significant personal stakes.

Your character must weigh their decision knowing it will reshape their life in unforeseen ways.

What do they choose, and how does it alter their world?

Now, before you go, if you haven’t subscribed to The Morning Nudge, be sure to do that now, so you get our Law of Attraction Checklist for Writers and free access to our Private Resource Library for Writers, as well as a short email every weekday morning to help you manifest your writing dreams!

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