by Suzanne Lieurance

story starters

This week we’re moving farther into the second half of 2024.

This is a great time for some personal reflection, so I have some nonfiction writing prompts to help you do that.

But don’t worry.

If you’re looking for prompts that help you start on some new fiction, I have 7 prompts for fiction, too.

Choose all nonfiction prompts, all fiction prompts, or a combination of both this week.


Monday’s Prompt for Nonfiction – Reflective Memoir

Write a reflective memoir detailing the most significant events, personal growth moments, and challenges you faced during the first half of the year.

How have these experiences shaped your outlook for the second half?

Tuesday’s Prompt for Nonfiction – Seasonal Changes

Describe the transition from winter to summer in your hometown.

How do the changing seasons affect your mood, activities, and daily life?

Include sensory details to bring the scenes to life.

Wednesday’s Prompt for Nonfiction – Professional Milestones

Write about the key milestones and achievements in your professional life during the first half of the year.

What goals did you set and how did you work towards them?

Reflect on any lessons learned and future aspirations.

Thursday’s Prompt for Nonfiction – Unexpected Turns

Narrate a story about an unexpected event that occurred in the first half of the year.

How did this event impact your plans and what strategies did you use to adapt?

Include both the emotional and practical aspects of dealing with the unforeseen.

Friday’s Prompt for Nonfiction – Community and Connections

Explore the theme of community and connections by writing about the relationships you’ve built or strengthened over the past six months.

How have these connections influenced your personal growth and sense of belonging?

Saturday’s Prompt for Nonfiction – Travel and Exploration

Describe a memorable trip or adventure you experienced in the first half of the year.

Focus on the places you visited, the people you met, and how the journey enriched your understanding of the world and yourself.

Sunday’s Prompt for Nonfiction – Creative Pursuits

Write about the creative projects or hobbies you engaged in during the first half of the year.

How did these activities provide an outlet for expression and creativity?

Reflect on any new skills or insights gained through these pursuits.


Monday’s Prompt for Fiction – Reflective Memoir

Create a character who is reflecting on the most significant events, personal growth moments, and challenges they faced during the first half of the year.

How have these experiences shaped their outlook for the rest of the year?

Tuesday’s Prompt for Fiction – Seasonal Changes

Write a story about a character experiencing the transition from winter to summer in their hometown.

How do the changing seasons affect their mood, activities, and daily life?

Use sensory details to vividly portray the scenes.

Wednesday’s Prompt for Fiction – Professional Milestones

Develop a plot around a character’s key milestones and achievements in their professional life during the first half of the year.

What goals did they set and how did they work towards them?

Reflect on any lessons learned and their future aspirations.

Thursday’s Prompt for Fiction – Unexpected Turns

Craft a narrative about a character dealing with an unexpected event that occurred in the first half of the year.

How did this event impact their plans and what strategies did they use to adapt?

Include both the emotional and practical aspects of dealing with the unforeseen.

Friday’s Prompt for Fiction – Community and Connections

Explore the theme of community and connections by writing about a character who builds or strengthens relationships over the past six months.

How have these connections influenced their personal growth and sense of belonging?

Saturday’s Prompt for Fiction – Travel and Exploration

Write a story about a character’s memorable trip or adventure during the first half of the year.

Focus on the places they visited, the people they met, and how the journey enriched their understanding of the world and themselves.

Sunday’s Prompt for Fiction – Creative Pursuits

Develop a narrative around a character’s creative projects or hobbies during the first half of the year.

How did these activities provide an outlet for expression and creativity?

Reflect on any new skills or insights the character gained through these pursuits.


Now, before you go, if you haven’t subscribed to The Morning Nudge, be sure to do that now, so you get our Law of Attraction Checklist for Writers and free access to our Private Resource Library for Writers, as well as a short email every weekday morning to help you manifest your writing dreams!

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