Every Sunday we post 10 new creative writing prompts with photos.

printable writing prompt

Here are this week’s writing prompts with photos:writing prompt

1. We knew it was going to be tough for two women to start their own business together. But we didn’t realize just how tough it would be.

writing prompt

2. He didn’t like what he saw through the binoculars.

writing prompt

3. Something about the look in the little girl’s eyes scared me. But I followed her anyway.

writing prompt

4. It was the beach wedding of my dreams, and I was now married to the most wonderful man on earth.

writing prompt

5. Callie pointed to the young man who stood in front of the paintings. “What kind of guy comes to an art museum and then gets on his phone?” she asked her friend Sarah.

writing prompt

6. Sierra planned to make her little speech once everyone had downed a couple of stiff drinks. But it looked liked Jason was only drinking tea with mint.

writing prompt

7. She grabbed his sleeve. “Don’t be angry with me,” she said.

creative writing prompt

8. When I was a child, I lived with my mother in a quaint mountain village. This is my story…

writing prompt

9. She wouldn’t jump. Jumping to her death would make it too easy for everyone, and she wanted them to suffer.

creative writing prompt

10. She steered her new boyfriend, Noah, outside, where it was a beautiful fall day. “I want you to meet someone,” she said.
Noah gulped when he saw the baby sitting in a pile of leaves.


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