by Suzanne Lieurance

 | Try Time Blocking to Get More Done

It was another beautiful evening last night as I was writing while sitting out on the beach.

I love watching squadrons of pelicans zoom by.

create a vision board

And there is always something else interesting to see, like this welk shell pod.

It’s hard to believe that this is where welk shells come from.

welk casing

I also enjoy the view of the sun setting behind the dunes.

sunset behind the dunes

And last night the water was really warm, so Adrian and I both had to tip our feet in.

writing at the beach

We had such a lovely time last evening that I’m afraid I didn’t get much writing done.

But that was okay because I had blocked out other sections of time during the day for working on my various fiction projects.

Try Time Blocking to Get More Work Done

Time blocking is something that I often suggest to my coaching clients.

One of the things I like best about time blocking is that when I know what I should be doing at any given time and I am actually doing what I should be doing, I can relax and give all my attention to it because I know I shouldn’t be doing anything else.

I use my dry erase board to block out my workday schedule every week.

time blocking a schedule

But you could also use a planner or a big calendar (one that has enough space for each date, so you can write in all your actions for each day).

If and when I start to get off track and lose focus on what I should be doing at any given time, I can glance over at my dry-erase board to see what I should be doing.

Then I can get back to doing it.

It’s amazing how much that big white board helps me stay on track.

It makes me feel guilty if I’m working on something that isn’t on the board, so I tend to put it away fairly quickly and get back to the task that I have blocked out on the board.

Do you use time blocking or a dry erase board?

What other tools do you use to help stay on track and get more work done?

I’d love to know.

Please share as a comment, here.

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  1.  | Try Time Blocking to Get More Done nomdepomme says:

    Hi, Cindy,

    For some reason, time blocking works better for me than anything else I’ve tried. I hope it works for you, too!

    Thanks for dropping by. I’m glad you like the photos here. I love taking them and sharing them.

  2.  | Try Time Blocking to Get More Done nomdepomme says:

    Hey, Wendy,

    I really love the whiteboard because it’s right next to my desk where I work during the day. If I get offtrack and glance up at the board, I immediately realize that I’m offtrack so I stop doing what I’m doing and do what I planned to be doing.

    Good luck with the whiteboard. I hope it works for you, too.

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