The following is an excerpt from The Time Traveler’s Guide by Simon Rose
Time travel is defined as taking place when there is movement between specific points in time.
This is achieved in the same way that objects and living things move through space.
In fiction, this kind of travel is made possible by the use of a time machine, device, or method.
While nothing is carved in stone, I tend to think that time travel involving machinery or some kind of technology should be defined as science fiction while time travel that makes use of magic or similar methods is probably best classified as fantasy.
However, these genres frequently overlap, particularly with time travel stories.
Over the years, novels, movies, and TV shows featuring time travel have included methods involving highly sophisticated machinery, scientific laboratories, various items of jewelry, wearable technology, vehicles, ancient artifacts, books, portals and doorways, dreaming, food and drink, and so many more.
Time travel stories have featured journeys to the past, the future, and to alternative timelines created when previous events were changed so that they occurred differently, thus affecting what happened next in various different ways.
Time travel has long been a theme in books, short stories, TV shows, and movies and shows no signs of declining in popularity anytime soon, although of course only time will tell.

Learn more about The Time Traveler’s Guide and all Simon’s other books on his website at
Simon also offers a variety of coaching services for writers, along with online writing courses.
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