Summer officially starts tomorrow, and it can be the MOST productive time of the year for writers.

If you work a regular job, your summer schedule may be a bit easier than the rest of the year.

So try to schedule more writing time during these summer months.

Also, start thinking about seasonal queries for magazines, blogs, and other publications.

And don’t forget that magazines usually plan at least 6 months in advance, so send queries related to winter holidays and events to get the jump on all those other writers who slack off during the summer.

Do a Google search for “special holidays in December” to see what crazy holidays and special events are coming up this winter to generate some query ideas.

Take a workshop or writing course to improve your skills.

Try writing something you’ve never written before, like a screenplay or some poetry.

Hunker down and finally write that book you’ve been meaning to write for years!

As life takes on a somewhat slower pace during the summer, use your time wisely to make it your most productive, yet enjoyable, time of the year.

Tools to Help You

I just added these four new worksheets to our private Free Resource Library for Writers that will help you plan your summer writing:

Goal Setting Prep Worksheet
S.M.A.R.T. Goals Worksheet
Success Mindset Worksheet
Daily To-Do List

If you’re a Morning Nudge subscriber, just  log in to the Private Resource Library, download these worksheets, and print them off to put in your writer’s notebook.

If you aren’t a Morning Nudge subscriber, fill in your name and email address in the box, below, and you get immediate access to our Private Resource Library for Writers:

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Subscribe (free) to my newsletter, The Morning Nudge! Every weekday morning you’ll get tips and resources to help you become a better writer. Plus, I’ll send you the password to my top-secret Resource Library filled with free goodies to help you write.

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