by Suzanne Lieurance

deliberate visualizations

Previous posts here have explained visualization as a technique to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

Deliberate visualizations are often used for the purpose of motivating you and training your subconscious mind to believe you can reach your goals and help you do it.

When you use visualizations that way, what you visualize is deliberate.

You think about what you want and picture it in your mind.

You see it, feel it, and taste it as if it were real in the here and now.

You do this often and spend a good deal of time doing it every day.

You can also use a different visualization process, which I call daydream visualization, to tap into your subconscious.

Are you trying to understand your thoughts, feelings, or motivations?

Are you not clear about what you want?

Is your subconscious sending you mixed signals?

Are you just plain confused about life?

Daydream visualizations can help you with all of these things.

This process is simple, but like many simple techniques, it is much harder to do it properly than it seems.

The first thing you need to do is find a quiet place and make yourself comfortable.

Close your eyes and relax.

Now let your mind begin to drift.

Do not try to guide it.

Do not tell yourself what to do or what to think about.

See what comes up.

Let yourself drift into daydreaming like you are a child imagining riding a dragon or scoring the winning goal in the big game.

What comes up and forms dreams and images in your mind will be your innermost dreams and desires, what you really want from life.

Some of the things you daydream about might be things you had no idea you wanted, such is how closely we sometimes guard our hearts.

Both your conscious and subconscious minds may try to fight you in this process.

Sometimes we try to keep our innermost dreams secret from even ourselves to protect us from the hurt and rejection that can accompany them.

We can be our own harshest critics.

It may take you several sessions to relax enough and let your guard down enough to let yourself engage in this process without fighting it.

That is normal, particularly if you are experiencing a lot of confusion.

The more confused you are, in general, the more your mind will fight this process.

Keep going, and you will eventually succeed and be able to tap into the deepest parts of your subconscious mind.

Now, if you’ve missed any of this week’s posts about tapping into your subconscious mind, be sure to read them:

How to Use Affirmations to Tap into Your Subconscious

Tap into Your Subconscious by Meditating

Use Free Association to Tap into Your Subconscious

And, if you try any of these methods of tapping into your subconscious, please share your experiences on our private Facebook page.