by Suzanne Lieurance

use affirmations to tap into your subconscious

You might think that your conscious mind is what is running your life.

But actually, it’s your subconscious mind, and that’s why it’s important to learn how to tap into your subconscious mind so you can change any of the beliefs it has that are not serving you.

One of the best ways of tapping into your subconscious mind is by the use of positive affirmations.

Affirmations bypass your conscious mind with its tendency to examine and judge everything and go straight to your subconscious mind.

When you use positive affirmations consistently for a sustained period of time, they can successfully reprogram your self-talk to make it more positive and upbeat.

This unleashes the power of your subconscious to help you achieve your goals because you will have removed the blocks created by self-doubt and a negative self-image.

Using positive affirmations in this way is simple but somewhat time-consuming.

First, you need to know the biggest issues you have to work on.

Pick the ones that stand directly between you and your goals, not the ones that are only minor obstacles.

Write them down so you know what you need to work on.

Select a single issue (you’ll only work on one issue at a time).

This issue may be self-confidence, doubt, fear, or anything that stands in your way.

Find or create some positive affirmations around this negative belief that speak to you.

You only need two or three affirmations and you find plenty of them online and in books or you can write your own.

The only requirements are a) these affirmations must be positive and b) they need to resonate with you.

If both things are not true, you will not tap into your subsconsious with this method.

Next, you are going to start speaking aloud, thinking, or writing down these affirmations 3-5 times each several times a day.

Many people speak them aloud in front of a mirror or while driving.

You can think of them to yourself when you are around other people.

If you choose to write them each time, it might be easiest to use a spiral notebook for this purpose.

You can also use a combination of these three methods throughout the day.

You should use your affirmations no less than three times per day–once in the morning, once sometime during the day, and once before bed.

The more you use them, however, the better and faster they will work.

It’s also important to know that affirmations seem to work best right when you wake up (before you even get out of bed) and right before you fall asleep (when you start to feel yourself dozing off).

You must be consistent and use the affirmations every day for them to work.

Over the course of weeks or a few months, these affirmations will sink into your subconscious and slowly reprogram your self-talk and your self-image.

The negative thoughts they are replacing will slowly fade and eventually become extinguished entirely.

When you see success with one issue, you can move on to another one.

Read more about identifying your negative thoughts and beliefs here.

Read more about affirmations and get some positive affirmations for writers here.

Be sure to come back for tomorrow’s post where I’ll talk about using meditation to tap into your subconscious.

Until then, head over our Facebook group page where we’ll be discussing all things that relate to tapping into your subconscious mind.

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