Every Sunday, we post 10 new writing prompts (with photos).

creative writing prompts

Here are this week’s prompts.

writing prompt

1. They had told him to look for the girl wearing pink tennis shoes.

creative writing prompt

2. It took them several days in the woods before they were able to find the plane.

writing prompt

3. The two shook hands. “Looks like we have a deal,” he told her.

writing prompt

4. Anthony and Monique were the perfect couple. Or so everyone thought.

creative writing prompt

5. Soon the entire village would be flooded.

creative writing prompt

6. Pierre hopped up on the bed and waited for his master to come home.

creative writing prompt

7. It felt so good to be back in New York City. He’d been away far too long.

creative writing prompt

8. “Parker, you need a baby like you need a hole in your head,” said Parker’s mother.

creative writing prompt

9. He’d met her at the zoo yesterday. She seemed like a nice girl, and she had invited him the park this afternoon. He approached her cautiously now. “You’ve gotta be kidding,” he said. “That’s Fluffy, your pet cat?”

creative writing prompt

10. She was definitely the most beautiful witch he’d ever met. But, then again, she was the only witch he’d ever met.


These prompts are also available as printables in our private Resource Library for Writers.

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weekly writing prompts and printables

creative writing prompts

creative writing prompts

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