The Internet has become a vast marketplace where millions of people use their knowledge and experience to make money online.

As at the start of 2019, there were more than 1.94 billion websites on the Internet.

For someone trying to enter into an online business as a freelance writer, this can be rather intimidating.

If you want to stand out from the increasingly crowded market, then you have to find your niche.

The key first step you need to take when creating a successful online business is to understand how to find a profitable niche market.

If you want to build a successful online business and make money online as a writer, then you have to identify a niche market you can create your business around.

The good news is that there are literally millions of niche markets you can choose.

Finding a niche market is easy, but finding a profitable one can be a bit more challenging.

That’s why we’ve created this helpful resource Find Your Niche: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Your Audience So You Stand out & Succeed Faster.

And it’s free in our Private Resources for Writers Library.

To gain access to this library, simply join our mailing list.

When you do, you’ll also start receiving The Morning Nudge, a short email every weekday morning with more tips and resources for writers.

Fill in your name and email in the form, below, to gain instant access to our Private Resources for Writers Library:

Be A Writer . . . 

Subscribe (free) to my newsletter, The Morning Nudge! Every weekday morning you’ll get tips and resources to help you become a better writer. Plus, I’ll send you the password to my top-secret Resource Library filled with free goodies to help you write.

Find out how a niche market can help you land high paying assignments!

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