What is Affiliate Marketing?

what is affiliate marketing

Here’s a cold hard fact about freelance writing: If you want to succeed in this business you need to write – A LOT!

The more you write, the more your writing skills will improve and the more acceptances you will get (instead of so many rejections).

So why not start earning money right now (today) AS you improve your writing skills?

The perfect way to do that is through affiliate marketing.

It’s like paid on-the-job-training!

What is Affiliate Marketing and How Does it Work?

With affiliate marketing, you write short articles and reviews about the products and services of OTHER companies.

You post these reviews and articles to online article directories, to your own websites and blogs, and in your own ezines and other emails you send to the people on your mailing list.

Within each of these articles and reviews, you include your affiliate links that take readers to a page where they can purchase these products or services.

When they do make a purchase, you receive a commission for the sale.

You can become an affiliate for dozens of companies, which means you can easily write at least one or two articles and reviews daily.

And, as you start writing on a daily basis, your writing skills will improve, and you’ll actually be earning money at the same time.

What could be better than that?

Try it!

To get started, become a Morning Nudge subscriber by filling in your name and email address in the box, below.

Be A Writer . . . 

Subscribe (free) to my newsletter, The Morning Nudge! Every weekday morning you’ll get tips and resources to help you become a better writer. Plus, I’ll send you the password to my top-secret Resource Library filled with free goodies to help you write.

Once you’re a member, log into our Private Resource Library for Writers where you’ll see plenty of helpful e-books, self-study e-courses, checklists, worksheets, and other resources like these, below, to help you become an affiliate marketer in no time!


Need more help getting started with affiliate marketing?

We recommend Really Simple Affiliate Marketing from Connie Ragen Green.

Additional Reading: 5 Ways to Monetize Your Blog.

Note: This post may contain some affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission but it won’t cost you a penny more)! Read my full disclosure and privacy policies...

paid job training for writers

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  1. What a great resource – even with all my years of writing I didn’t know about affiliate marketing. Your posts and products are always chock-full of valuable advice and tools!

    1. Hi, Melissa,
      I hope you’ll try affiliate marketing. It’s a great way to build new writing skills while you earn income.

  2. Carol Fraser hagen says:

    Great resource for making money while practicing writing skills.

    1. Hi, Carol,
      There are so many great products for all sorts of target markets, too, Carol, which means the possibilities for including affiliate marketing as an income stream for freelancers are endless!
      Thanks for dropping by today!

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