You can write a nonfiction book!
Are you ready to write a nonfiction book to boost your business?
Or maybe you’d like to write a memoir?
Or perhaps you’d simply like to write a book about your life to leave for your children and grandchildren.
Or maybe you have a different topic you’d like to write a book about.
In any case, I can guide you to write your memoir, life story, or other type of nonfiction book in just 16 weeks.
I’ve written over 35 published books.
Many of those books were nonfiction.
And I’ve written about all sorts of topics.
I’ve also coached dozens of writers to write their own nonfiction book.
And. you can, too.

Register for my one-on-one coaching and every week for 16 weeks, we’ll meet via phone call or Skype, for 30 to 45 minutes each session, so you create a solid outline for your book and then write a specific section of your book each week until it is completed.
Once you’ve written the entire book, we’ll revise it, as needed, and we’ll discuss your publishing options.
If you choose to submit your manuscript to a traditional publisher and/or agent, I’ll guide you with the submission process, too.
Are you ready to get started?
Then simply choose the payment option that works best for you and we’ll get started right away.
Write Your Book Payment Options
Pay by the month – 4 monthly payments of just $400.00 each:
Click here for more about nonfiction.