YOU can learn the steps to write a children’s nonfiction book…all in ONE month!
Write a childrens book because in today’s children’s market, nonfiction is hot, hot, HOT!
That’s because with current new educational standards, parents, teachers, and librarians are buying nonfiction for kids like never before.Write a children’s book because in today’s children’s market, nonfiction is hot, hot, HOT!
People are buying nonfiction for kids like never before.
Many editors and agents are acquiring a steady diet of nonfiction manuscripts from experienced and new children’s writers alike.
Nonfiction can be your ticket to breaking into the children’s publishing industry.
YOU can learn the steps to write a children’s nonfiction book…all in ONE month!
Nancy I. Sanders will show you how in this 4-session Audio Writers’ Workshop.
A sample of the content:
* Make your commitment to write the first draft of your manuscript from beginning to end.
* Choose your broad topic.
* Gather your research books and set up your research center.
* Type your bibliography.
* Narrow your topic.
* Choose your mentor text.
* Log in daily sessions of research.
* Chart the structure of your manuscript.
* Brainstorm ideas for a winning title.
* Write the first draft of your “Beginning.”
* Write the first chapter or section of your nonfiction manuscript.
* Divide your project into workable chunks and set writing goals for each day.
* Develop a rhythm of research, writing, and self-editing to write the first half of your manuscript.
* Learn about the educational standards nonfiction writers follow to fit into today’s market.
* Incorporate the Common Core State Standards into key features of your manuscript.
Learn more at www.writeachildrensnonfictionbook.com
You can write a childrens book.
Click here to learn more about Write a Children’s Book.