Write for Magazines

write for magazines

It’s another gorgeous day on the coast, and now that I have your attention, here’s a tip that will help you write for magazines.

Try This…

If you have some experience (and great clips) writing for midlevel magazines (not the low pay or no pay publications), it’s time to move up to even better paying markets.

One way to do this, of course, is to query better paying magazines.

But there’s another way that is easier, and although it might not result in an immediate assignment, it might eventually result in you breaking in at a few bigger, better paying markets.

Get a current writer’s market guide.

There are several available (the 2021 guides will be out soon).

If you write for children, get The Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market 2020.

If you write for adults, purchase The Writer’s Market 2020.

Next, scan through the magazine listings in either (or both) of these publications, looking for the section called Submissions for each magazine.

You’ll notice that most of these publications want a query or the complete manuscript.

But others say something like, “All work is assigned. Send resume and clips.” These are the markets you want to target.

Print out several copies of your writer’s resume and your most impressive magazine clips.

Next, choose several of the magazines in the market guides that assign all work rather than accept queries.

Send them a short cover letter, along with your resume and clips.

Next, make note of the magazines you sent these packets to and when you sent them.

Then – and here’s the most important part – forget about them!

You may never hear from some of these magazines.

And it could take months, even years, for responses from others.

But if you eventually get even one assignment from a major magazine, submitting all these packets will be well worth it.

After you’ve submitted packets to at least a few major magazines that interest you, get back to your regular queries.

Try it!

To Your Success,

 | Try This Tip if You Write for Magazines

 | Try This Tip if You Write for Magazines

P.S. Learn how to turn your personal experiences into articles, stories, essays—even books—you can sell!

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 | Try This Tip if You Write for Magazines

write for big magazines

write for bigger magazines

write for bigger magazines

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