Everyone needs a little writing inspiration now and then.

But how do you motivate yourself to write every day?

writing motivation

Well…think about this.

Getting good at most anything takes one thing—practice.

Yet, for some reason, most people tend to believe they should be good writers right from the get-go.

They don’t seem to realize that good writers—and certainly GREAT writers—write, write, write and produce a LOT of work, even though all of that work may not get published.

And these not-so-good-writers beat themselves up for being not-so-good-writers when they really haven’t written enough to become good writers or great writers.

So take a good hard look at how much you’re actually writing.

Are you writing at least a little each day?

Or do you write only occasionally, when the “mood” strikes you or when you feel you “have” the time to write instead of “making” the time to write?

One reason we’ve started monthly writing challenges at writebythesea.com is to help you get more writing practice.

Did you start a new short story for this month’s Cooking Up a Short Story challenge?

There’s still time to write a short story this month for this challenge (or you can accept this challenge any time because all the lessons will remain posted here).

And it will be great practice and maybe the start of regular writing practice that will help you become the writer you really want to be.

Try it!

And if you need help getting motivated to write everyday, watch this short video with some tips:

Need more writing inspiration?

Read this – 5 Ways to Create a Motivational Writing Space.

And don’t forget to join our mailing list.

Just fill in your name and email address, below:

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writing inspiration

writing inspiration

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